
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Texas Passions - Rosanne Bittner


Hawkins book 2

I don't always find a sequel to be a favorite - especially not over the first part of the story, but Rosanne Bittner sure breaks my mold on this one! Don't get me wrong, I love the first part of John and Tess's story (Texas Embrace - you really can't miss out on reading it) - but I find myself enjoying this glimpse into their lives years later better than the first. There just seems to be something so powerful about the "as long as we both shall live" kinda love that is often left out of stories now days.

The drama, adventure, love and emotions with these two will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last! John is one of the best heroes (handsome, strong, real manly)- willing to do anything and go to any length to protect his family, and I just can't help but admire Tess and her strength and love she has for her man and children!!

This book will always be on my keeper shelf!