
Friday, March 16, 2018

Between Heaven and Hell by Jacqui Nelson


(Lonesome Hearts, #1)

You know it's going to be a good book when you only finish chapter 1 and you know that you know this is one destined for your favorites shelf!

This book gave me all the FEELS: heartbreaking tears to sighs of relief (even just from the prologue!), anxiousness to elation, from "grrrr I wanna shake you, will you just get it together!?" moments to SWOON, thud moments, Hannah and Paden deliver it all! The backstory as it's slowly exposed, the bad guys' motivations and actions (and trust me, there's more than what meets the eye at first!), the surprises and twists, the adored secondary characters and plot lines, it all just adds to the beauty and filled my heart to overflowing with satisfied warmth.

I absolutely love the way Jacqui Nelson uses words to build her world. Her writing voice connects deep within me and draws me so tightly into her story that I simply just didn't want to let go and escape from her world. I think I've found another favorite author! :)

One of my favorite quotes that just made me stop. breathe. and then have to reread over and over again (and you'll understand when you come to it too!):
"But know this, if I have to kill someone to keep you safe, I will."
....happy sigh....