
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sweet Danger by Cheryl Pierson


Oh my goodness. Talk about a romantic suspense adventure!! A minute after finishing the book and happy sighing, I dived back in to reread a few favorite scenes. I couldn't quite leave after how wrapped up I was in the book. 

Intense, twisted, sweet and touching, its all packed together in one awesome package.

Even though I didn't want to stop because I just had to see how it would all work out, I needed to pause several times through the book just to catch my breath, and not necessarily in the way you think. Cheryl Pierson put some glimpses of humanity into characters you'd not expect, delivered punch after punch of surprise and shock, and fully fleshed out a believable happily ever after story. What makes this even more awesome, all this was contained within a few short pages with the majority of them dedicated to about a 30 hour period. That's good story telling.