
Monday, February 26, 2018

The Kindness of Strangers by Cheryl Pierson


I wasn't sure what I was expecting with this short story when I started it, but getting hooked immediately wasn't it. Why? I couldn't tell ya, but my attention was captured to the very end. Maybe because it's not a romance story, really, and that's what I normally read. But thinking on it more.... This story had its own brand of romance.

Jericho lost everything precious to him, and the depth of his despair brought tears to my eyes. He's on the trail of revenge, but encounters a stranger who kinda questions his plans and makes him think.

I can't share much else without giving away the ending, but it's beautiful with its lessons learned and the future discovered. I could continue to imagine what happened further along for Jericho. Love that this story also gave you something to think about, a deeper meaning to things.

If you're looking for a quick enjoyable read, grab this book.