I stinkin' LOVED this story! Drake, the overly bossy and overly protective man met his match in the sweet and sassy Karen. And they are absolute perfection for each other!
I loved getting to go back to Tennessee and dive into Drake's history, as much as it was a heartbreaking mess. But there was an equal amount of absolute beauty with the devotion and love shown between Drake and his six sisters. I think once you truly know more of Drake's past, you understand better and even crave more of his overbearing protectiveness and feel the safety that it provides. I adored how he simply connected with Karen and knew she was his from the first moment he laid eyes on her, and treated her that way from that point forward.
Karen's a kindergarden teacher with the perfect amount of sugar and spice that Drake needs in his life. Sweet and innocent but yet strong and capable, she needs Drake's kind of presence in her life and can give him the redemption and security he needs in return. I loved how strong and easy they were together.
Drake's sisters were a handful and I adored each of them - and I'm hoping that someday we get more of their stories! They deserve it after the way they grew up! But the overwhelming thing that sticks out for me is the intense bond they all had despite the distance and maybe even because of the family secrets. This makes me wish for an older brother... although I think I'm good with the sister I have! lol Not sure we need 4 more of us.
The bond of the friendship between Mason and Drake continues to stand out as a godsend for both of them. Throw in the other guys on the team and the brotherhood - having each other's backs and accepting who they are - still stays strong. And they still crack me up with their jokes.
I'm looking foward to Evie and Aiden's story next... talk about some sparks!
I love that I have yet another CO'L book to add to my favorites shelf - definitely not one to miss out on! And while this can be read as a stand alone, I gotta admit, reading the series through in order has made this world come alive around me, and that's a treasure.