hilarious rom-com spy-games story
I'm listening to the audio (the narrator alone does an excellent job acting out the story and I'm lovin' it!) and only at chapter 6, but I'm hooked into the story already - giggling, intrigued, Zane!, being in Brent's head, the anticipation of what's coming next - and I can't wait to see where we go next!
I grabbed this audio book because the blurb and these two comments captured my attention:
"A fun and often humorous spy novel. Scratch that. It’s a romance with tongue-in-cheek spy elements...hilarious." Madison
"a James Bondy Rom-Com... I would LOVE to see this on TV one day!" BJ's Book Blog
I was wanting something a bit more light-hearted rom-com than what I usually go for, and this seemed to fit the bill. And it totally delivered!
And now that I finished.... I giggled through so much of the story that that fact alone made this a great read (listen). Getting to see a spec ops mission from a non-spec ops point of view was hilarious! There were some sweet moments mixed in with some rollercoaster emotion rides (I mean, being a billionaire dude doesn't leave you exempt from a bit of heartbreak and worries, ya know), and charm with a whole lot of laughs - whether intentional or not.
This is a great story! So glad I found it and got a day full of giggles listening to it (along with a clean house! lol)