Avenged was unbelievably amazing!!
I loved Nathan and Taya! Both individually and together as a couple - from their history to where they're at presently in the story is a crazy beautiful and heartbreaking journey. The bond Nathan and Taya had naturally, how their relationship came full circle, how they both gave what the other needed so preciously and willingly, how there wasn't a "magic cure" with their struggles at the end but still growth and healing in their futures, but now doing that together instead of apart.... I stinkin' loved it all!!
Taya had a sense of grace and emotional maturity that served her well as well as bravery in being vulnerable - and all that flowed right over to Nate. Nate had a deeper drive and need in him that kept him going and gave him the foundation to build on to take that grace and love from Taya. He was a protector and that gave Taya the safe spot she needed to land.
There were some things in that I could translate into my personal life and it hit something deep in a good way. I love it when stories touch me that way - such blessing in those connections and nuggets of goodness.
I also gotta mention that Kaylea Cross does such a terrific job giving the villain a sense of humanity. Although they're still the villain and need their comeuppance, you have a unique set of feelings for them. Lol
I'm so glad I got back to the HRT series and I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of the series!