(A Warrior's Challenge, #5)
I'm really struggling to put into words just how much I love the Warrior's Challenge series, and each book just keeps reinforcing that love and growing it!
This book takes us back in time to when Cobbs and Austen first join the SEALs and meet Marg and grow a forever and ever type of friendship - and love. Watching Thane and Cobbs friendship form from the beginning and seeing it forged in steel though deployments and trials and daily life is almost as good as watching the forever love grow between Cobbs and Marg. Friends like that are few and far between and meant to be treasured. Seeing this makes the present day part of the story in the series even more poignant. I fell even harder for Thane seeing the younger version of himself.
But Marg and Cobbs' relationship, their forever and ever love, wow, did that ever spark and the flames engulf me. Cobbs' strength, character, nobility, honor, and depth of feelings made me fall hard for him - loving him more than what I expected to. Marg's determination, confidence, feminine strength, and love poured out of the pages and into my heart.
Before I was done reading the book, I already wanted to start it over from the beginning and re-experience it all, and then after turning the last page and reading THE END, I wanted to immediately go back to Code Name Ghost and see the story with a whole new set of eyes. And a full reread is in my near future.
If you enjoy military romance, if you enjoy seeing a forever and ever type of love, you don't want to miss this. If you want to experience all the feels from laughter to tears, from freaking out scared to edge-of-seat intensity, you don't want to miss this. Natasza Waters knows how to take you on a beautiful journey through her stories.