From the moment I first heard about Natasza Waters writing and sharing a book about this particular subject…. I knew something special was going to be given to me. However, I didn’t realize just how special it was till one moment near the end, where something I knew in my head sunk deeper into my heart…. it’s kinda the opposite of the golden rule: If I accept others for who they are beyond skin deep, why can’t I believe and trust others to accept me?
His Perfect Imperfection is a beautiful, profound story that captured my heart from the first words in the dedication to the last words of the epilogue. I was enthralled by Mika (love that name btw!) and Cain’s journey from meeting to falling in love, from enjoying each other’s presence to digging deep and discovering the depths of each other’s souls. Cain’s determination to not give up on Mika and show her the woman she really is and Mika’s love, bravery, acceptance, and affection towards others endeared them both close to my heart.
Natasza wrote a novel that touches on things not usually seen in romance books and just that alone is refreshing and challenging. This story just continues to make a reader realize that they aren’t alone in whatever they’re struggling with, and that they are loved and beautiful, no matter what the outside world may choose to think. This is a book you do not want to miss!
Thank you, Natasza, for being brave and sharing this touching and beautiful story. It is on my favorites shelf and will be revisited often!