Give me a knight in battle-scarred armor with a dream he refuses to give up, and I'll be his damsel.
There is so much going on from the first pages of the story, you can feel the overwhelming burden that lays on Skena's shoulders and empathize with her struggles to keep hold of her dreams and desires. However, just like any true warrior woman, despite the mounting struggles, she refused to give up and give in. I adored her as a mother, and melted with her as she fell for her knight, and identified with her as a strong woman.
Noel de Servian survived years of war clinging to his humanity and future wishes, only to find his own weighty burden from the last battle may destroy all he clings to. However, just like any true warrior, the moment he sees the opportunity presented before him, he goes above and beyond to lay claim to his reward of family and home and peace. I loved his confidence in claiming Skena and her children, and his powerful desire to protect and provide for them... no matter the enemy.
So much was happening in the story with all the adventure, adversaries, worries, and intrigue, but through it all you could also clearly discern Noel and Skena's deep desire grow beyond their instant attraction and solidify into something strong and beautiful. All the trials served their purpose, to meld the two together stronger than before. Noel loving on Skena's children was also shown in a variety of ways that left little doubt just where he stood with them, and it's always heartmelting to see a big strong man be gentle with little ones. Another thing that stood out to me was the family bonds with the Challon men. Brotherhood like theirs was something unique, and they cherished and nurtured it like the treasure it is.
I savored my time back in Scotland with the Dragons of Challon and I'm looking forward to discovering who's story is up next. In the mean time, I have some novellas to check out.