2019 Dec reread (audio)
Still breathstealingly amazing.
Everything from warm feel goods to have-to-stop-because-I'm-crying moments.
This almost needs to become a Christmas tradition just like Die Hard is one. Haha!
And just to say, it's been years since I've read the Iteam books and I still love the characters so much. They're still with me.
So I really struggled with starting Death By Midnight right away. I didn't want the book to end, I knew once I got started I wouldn't want to stop reading it, I know how much blood, sweat and tears Pamela Clare and her crew put into it, and I wanted to honor that amount of time and work and not have my part of it rushed. So I downloaded it yesterday and walked away. Went to bed late and figured with it being so late, I'd skip reading.... Then changed my mind, and cracked open my Kindle and eyed Marc's cover.... And tapped... And the rest is history!!
This is such a beautiful story that sucked me in and delivered all the feels!! I was laughing, I was crying, I was hiding under the covers in fear, and I was turning the fan up higher to cool down (whew, did it get hot!!)!!
I love Marc (oh my goodness!!) and his Sprite (they're still my top fav couple, with Zach and Natalie being right behind them), and of course the rest of the gang!! I enjoyed every moment of catching up with everyone and seeing the connection and bonds they've built. This novella is an absolutely totally perfect way to end this series! Perfect high note!
Someone said this was like ITEAM meets Die Hard - and I totally agree!!
So even though the book ended too quickly for me, I'll be rereading this story often! Now that is even more a compliment to an author!!
The cameo appearance of Kaylea Cross's HRT guys was a blast!