While I did enjoy reading (well, technically listening to the audio) Saved by a SEAL, and there were lots of good in it, I don't think this was a good fit of a story for me - and maybe it was because I mostly only listened to it while I was driving to/from work, so the constant start/stop left me feeling a bit disconnected to the story and characters. I also think it's more a "my personal taste/preferences" thing that made me not really connect with the story- I'm sure others will enjoy this wholeheartedly. I also wasn't a huge fan in the narration of it - which may have also affected things for me.
Missy was awesome in knowing herself, being able to fight through her insecurities, and being willing to chase down what she wanted. However that same assertiveness also made me wince at times (although Zane seemed to like it, and that's what matters, yeah? lol). She also had a heart of gold in wanting to teach the girls in Nigeria and doled out forgiveness which softened me towards her.
I loved Zane's sense of protectiveness and how his integrity refused to follow through on a bad decision. However, dude was quite the jerk a few times and even though he won Missy over, and even though I kinda softened towards him with some of his actions in Nigeria, I still wasn't as drawn to him as a hero as I wish I could have been.
I loved their first date and how they were able to build off their past connection. And I loved the moments in the truck together. But I also felt the kidnapping and rescue was a bit anti-climatic and wish more time would have been expanding upon that instead of the repetitive internal dialogue from both Zane and Missy.
If your looking for a SEAL story where the emphasis is more on the relationship and less on the action (suspense) and enjoy an assertive heroine and a hero who has some jerky moments he's gotta sort out, this would be a great fit.