Rosanne Bittner's long awaited return-to-publishing book just knocked my socks off!!! I've enjoyed all of her books I've read so far, and have numerous of them on my keeper shelves - where this one is now as well!!
I loved how Maggie was both strong but yet vulnerable. Sometimes the way she talked made her sound younger than what she was age wise, but her actions/thoughts the rest of the time made up for it. And I love how Sage interacted with her - was impressed by her spirit and strength, but at the same time knew she needed him to protect her.
I so enjoyed towards the end when the ex-wife showed up - I knew I would have reacted the same way Maggie did and I was glad to see how Sage dealt with his ex (I sure was hoping he'd do what he did!)
I'm so looking forward to reading more of RB's books - and hope that more and more of her older ones come out on kindle!