From the moment Phillip and Ashley's eyes meet after years apart, their insta-connection with deep roots erupts back to life, blazing through past and present heartwrenching burdens to a place of healing and contentment.
Ashley struggles with breaking fully from the expectations of others and living up to impossible standards pressed upon her. Feeling her helplessness and pain, it's beautiful to watch her break her way through those chains and find herself. It's always a journey, and feels neverending, but you can see Ashley finding her way.
Phillip has his own set of burdens and pain to carry, and like Ashley, while his eyes came opened to seeing reality and the truth, it still is a long journey to healing, but one he takes on and finds a place of peace.
I adore how these two are total opposites, but yet they match up, filling up the missing parts of the other. Phillip had me melting with his pursuit of Ashley and tenacity to dig in and claim her and not let her go. Ashley had me cheering with her fight and resolve to make it through, even as much as she could also run away. I mean, who doesn't need an escape at times?
Blending some giggles with heart touching truths and sweet moments, this story delivers on all the feels, giving a sense of hope, healing and acceptance.