.... that moment when you open a book to start reading and you're immediately falling head over heals into the story? Yeah, Evan and Mary's hea story hooked me hard, dragged me in and kept me enthralled from word one to the end.
While Mary and I don't share similar histories, I still totally connected with her just on her strength, stubbornness, and resilience. Her heart and inner beauty shown brightly no matter how much she felt tarnished at times. Evan (and everyone around Mary) saw that, and not only was drawn to that, but wanted to protect that.
Evan never gave up in his pursuit of Mary - she was going to be a part of his life, and he was going to make sure she was safely there, preferably wrapped in his arms. I adored his confidence, his determination, his respectfulness, and his heart - plus he had a few surprises up his sleeve that just really did it for me. haha!
I couldn't have asked for a better story for Evan and Mary, nor a better addition to the Killers series (which at the moment ranks as my top fav series by Brynne Asher), nor a more delightful addition to the Happily Ever After/Until world.
"...and Mary, thanks for a fun night. I thought I wanted you before, but now? I can't wait to make you mine. Be prepared."
Y'all.... be prepared for a story that'll not only entertain, but make you feel. I was giggling and heating up, and even had moments where the tears were streaming down. I'm already planning on when I can reread Vines and the rest of the Killers books through this one (including Until July from ARR as well) because I just don't want to say goodbye yet.