I enjoyed every moment of Grady and Maya's story, falling in love with them as they chased after their own love story. Grady swooped in and made himself a fortress for Maya, the safe haven she desperately needed till she could get steady again - even if she fought against it or questioned it at first. Maya fed Grady's heart, head, and spirit, providing him with the refuge and motivation to rebuild himself. Together they gave so much - and I soaked up every moment!
I'm quickly becoming a total fan-girl of Brynne Asher - all her stories, and (so far) especially her Killer's series, feed my heart and keep me coming back for more. I've found myself randomly picking up her books to reread bits and pieces of favorite scenes when I have just a few min to spend reading. When you don't want to leave an author's world? That's a sign of an epic storyteller!!