Ophelia and Judge's (I stinkin' love their names) story gave me the feel-goods of a good old fashioned pirate bodice ripper - our hero who skirts the edge of good vs evil with his own code of honor saw his damsel (who, btw, wasn't truly in distress... well, not *all* the time), captured her, and claimed her as his, through whatever means necessary! And Ophelia was no fainting flower! They were the perfect challenge and compliment to the other.
With the exception of us not sharing a violent streak, I really connected to Ophelia - loved her mix of sweet and spicy, strength and femininity. She's strong enough to stick up for herself, but at the same time, smart enough to know how to choose her battles and accept help when it's needed.
Judge with his power, confidence, attitude, honor, and control had me deeply appreciating and admiring (read: almost coveting) his bad-man self (because he was definitely not a bad-boy in any way of thinking). I loved how he was observant of Ophelia and had a mind to her, protecting her, but at the same time, giving her everything she needed.
I loved how this was such a slow tension-filled build up for them but at the same time, they knew there was something huge (that BOOM) between them from the start. Combine that with some genuine laughter filled moments, a touch of a suspense plot line, great cameos from the Maysons and Nox, Until Mayhem quickly became one of my favorite LF stories that I look forward to revisiting again. Definitely worth the late nights and the stolen moments to experience!