I was delighted to discover I chose well when I picked up Knight of the Red Rose. I was needing another easy-to-get-lost-in story and the charm behind Stephen and Luciana's delivered all the feel goods I wanted.
I loved the history lesson and intrigue of the setting, even though keeping track of the who, why, and hows of royal political games and court drama kept me on my toes. But that fit in perfectly because even our hero and heroine were playing their own games, and not just with each other.
I adored Luciana and how she wasn't the typical female of the time. She was educated and wasn't afraid to show it, and had the smarts to hold her own no matter who she was verbally sparing with - but especially her brother, those were some awesome moments. She was refreshingly real and accepting of herself. She knew what she wanted, and due to how she was treated, found her bravery to grasp hold of the good.
Stephen, a undercover knight, quickly recognized the treasure and delight he found in Luciana and set about pursuing her the only way he could. I loved watching him fall for her and protect her. Their connection was a strong foundation for weathering the betrayals and political games swirling around.
I enjoyed watching how everything played out, especially since several twists were thrown in that I wasn't sure how they'd sort things out. But love is powerful. And it shines bright in this story.