This story stuck with me and gave me quite the hangover, to where I needed some time to process it.
I loved the way it felt like I was watching a VH1 behind-the-music documentary, and how it made me believe the band was really REAL and this wasn't a fictional story I was reading. I enjoyed seeing the story unfold through Jesse's pov/interviews mostly (even if I kinda do wish we'd have gotten to hear more about some of Jesse's personal journey and kinda feel jipped we didn't). Fast Lane kept with KA's usual format, where it was not just a couple's love story, but the band's story and a love story of friends/brothers-of-the-heart. While I do kinda wish we had gotten some more time either interviewing Preacher or getting the story from his pov, I'm not sure if I could have handled always being in Lyla or Preacher's head with some things that happened - so after I got into the rhythm of the story, it totally worked for me hearing it mostly from Jesse.
I hurt (horrifically badly) with some moments, choices, and some aspects of the story (but I'll admit, a few threads did "fit" with the rock'n'roll band part of the story, even if they're things I try to avoid exposure to), to where while I deeply enjoyed the story overall, not sure if I can reread this book (after all my initial rereads the day after I finished just to help process the hangover). Just me personally. :)
I also wish that we've have gotten some lyrics to the songs that the band wrote (although I see that KA has a website for readers to submit lyrics, so... (shrug)) - just felt like that was missing. Not even the entire song, but a few lines would have been a sweet touch. And sometimes I felt kinda overwhelmed with the music choices included... idk.
Another reviewer mentioned it was nice that there was more story and not so much intimate time detailed out (after some of the extremes of several recent releases), and I have to agree, I appreciated that as well. I have pointed out to several people before that some of my favorite KA intimate times ended up being 3-5 lines of innocent words that because of the build up before almost became hotter than the 2-3 pages of details (but there were alot of good longer moments mixed in there too).
Otherwise, Preacher rocked (well, except for a couple of choices/words/events that just.....), Lyla was adorable, Jesse was awesome, and this was quite the book to fall into and experience.