I fell absolutely head-over-heals in love with this story!!
Low on drama/angst and overflowing with heart, Until Nox gave me many of the things I desire most in a story: a hero who's a modern day outlaw-ish good guy (maybe? maybe not? oh, that bad boy thin line he rides!), a heroine who's your every-day kinda girl, strong, but yet soft and sweet, a insta-love story that feels real, and a couple who's basically together from the get-go and can (gasp!) communicate (haha!).
Killian Nox won me over with his attitude, his alpha-confidence, and his respect/consideration of Gus. How he took care of her and respected her just melted me! I'd say more, but, you gotta experience Nox for yourself! *swoon!*
Gus was so stinkin' awesome -- I love her confidence, her determination, her loyalty, her sweetness, her sass, her maturity, and her openness. She made me fall even harder for the story.
Together, they were perfect!
I loved how this tied into the Masons in Tennesse (ARR's Until characters) and we got to see some sweet, beautiful moments with them.
This is definitely not a story to miss out on!! Totally gave my heart all the feel-goods and made it to my favorites shelf. I can't wait to revisit this story!!