*closes the book and feels rudely jerked back to the 21st century.*
Whew!! What a trip!! After a few moments to let go of reality and immerse myself in the Scotland highlands of the late 1200s, I also became a captive of the Dragon of Challon and didn't want to escape my captor. haha!
I loved how Deborah Macgillivray painted the world around me with her words - it was almost like standing there and watching the words grow and bloom a new reality all around me -- I could sense the heather and apple blossoms, see the waves of flowing grass, hear the startling cry from the crows, feel the cool misty fog enveloping around me... then add in the emotions of the characters and I was enraptured! Toss in the smallest touch of mystic and a knight who's armor is not shining because he knows how to use it, and I'm enchanted.
Tamlyn charmed my heart with how strong and brave and defiant she was, but at the same time, she held a regal vulnerability, a softness, a gentleness to her. I loved being in her head as she encountered Julian and fell for her man. She truly was the perfect compliment to him, giving him the peace and calm and healing he so desperately needed.
Julian - the Black Dragon of Challon - his intensity, power, loyalty, determination, and protectiveness, along with his scary roughness, physical strength, and mental fortitude, overflowed from the pages into reality, gifting me with my favorite kind of hero - just with a sword and armor. Oh, and the way he shows his love and affection and devotion to Tamlyn? Watching it grow from an interesting challenge to intense love made me swoon over and over again. And feeling his arms wrap around me..... er.. Tamlyn? I'll take more of that, please. (so will she, I'm sure!)
This felt like the perfect never-ending story (said with much love and appreciation) - there was so much to Tamlyn and Julian's story that it could keep going on and on... and in fact, I still found myself wanting more. Hopefully in future books in this series we'll get to keep tabs on the couple. I also enjoyed how some famous historic characters were weaved into the story, making this feel as it was a true piece of history, and not simply a tale to while away a winter storm.
If you're a fan of epic and beautiful medieval tales, this is one that'll sweep you away!