I could go on and on (and on and on) about my total adoration for this story, but really, this is all you need to know:
Joe. (that's it; 'nuf said. simply Joe says EVERYTHING).
Sweet and sassy and adorable and wise Bernice (she melts me).
Devin (oh boy, I think I fell more in love with the man).
The Wallflowers (they make my heart smile huge).
Grab this story NOW and settle in for a hea that'll pull at your heart-strings, that'll fill you up with goodness, that'll make you bite your nails and growl, that'll make your breath catch, and that'll make you want to immediately start a reread once "The End" is reached.
CP Smith does an amazing job tying her Wallflowers series into ARR's Until series and breathing life into her characters and their world. You won't want to miss out on this story!