This book. omgoodness, THIS BOOK.
From the heart-wrenching beginning to the beauty-filled ending, Declan filled my reader's heart and made me smile and swoon and simply
feel . It took me a second to get into the swing of a full male first person narrative, but once I did, omgoodness did I love experiencing the story through Declan's head. I think that made the story all that more easy to invest in and be hooked tight from beginning to end.
Declan is the kind of alpha hero I love -- protective, determined, strong, bossy, but with a deeper soft-spot that keeps him real. Also, I just couldn't stop swoonin' over his love and care for children. I really identified with the empathy Declan displayed throughout the entire book.
Allie is the kind of heroine I also adore, soft, sweet, and strong all wrapped up together in a vulnerable and tough package. She has a beauty and light from deep down that couldn't be smothered. There was something about her that really connected to me too - and then getting to see Allie through Declan's eyes....
I couldn't get enough of seeing the brotherhood and deep bond of Declan's teammates and other friends, and seeing how their relationship with each other was rock solid (or growing to that). Some of the boy convos made me giggle, thinking they're just as bad as girls sometimes with their gabbing.
Throw in some deeper drama and some unexpected twists, and this was one un-put-down-able story. I can't wait to get more in this series!