2020 audio reread
This time, I have a much deeper appreciation for this story, and fell in love all the more with Cash and Nic. It fed everything I was needing and gave everything required.
There's something special about this couple and a little catch-up novella like this is the perfect little piece of story that, thankfully, we get to enjoy.
2016 review
"I love you."
Cristin Harber and her super secret projects! This one is another perfect surprise she dropped on her Titan fans. You can tell the depth of love she has for Cash and Nic as she just can't quite let them go!
Absolutely enjoyed getting to go back a bit in Titan time (this book chronically starts right at the end of Hart Attack) and getting to see some events through Cash and Nic's eyes as well as experiencing married life with them! The short story starts with a bang and delivers all the feels - I was crying by page 2 (oye!) and shortly after giggling, awe'ing, swooning, and growling - everything you come to expect and love from a Titan book.
While part of the conflict seemed to be a bit too easily solved (or maybe that was me missing seeing a bit more of the Titan action/adventure), it flowed well with the story and kept the focus where it needed to be - on Cash and Nic. I have a feeling a few more surprises are in store for us, because while a lot of loose ends were tied up, not quite all of them have a pretty bow on them yet. (guessing the next Titan novel - or who knows, another surprise project?) will answer these. :)
Definitely not a story to miss if you're a fan of Cash and Nic in their stories (Sweet Girl, Garrison's Creed) or Titan in general.