Oh my goodness! I cannot count anymore how many times I've revisited Carnal with Tate and Laurie! They definitely hold a top 3 position of fav KA books. I can't help but be totally swept away and enthralled in their story every time I crack it open, whether to read the thing cover to cover or revisit favorite scenes.
Tate is awesome in his alpha-ness -- bossy, kinda jerky (but he excels at making that part worth it), but yet, he knows how to protect and provide for his woman. I really connected with Laurie and how she needed to find her special and be herself. The two together are just awesome -- and the world KA wrote around them, I never want to leave - the friends, family, co-workers, the town -- everything!
I'm also very excited and intrigued to get Wood and Maggie's story!!! There's something pretty special there!