Cricket Under Fire rocketed its way to my most favorite bookshelf. It blends the anticipation of new adventures with some comfort of previous characters (from her Warriors Challenge series), setting this first story in her spin off series with a blast!
I quickly connected to Rayne in several ways which drew me all the deeper into the story. I couldn't be an analyst like her, but in all the ways that truly matter, I identified with her softer strength, her trusting spirit, her innocent nature. She gave off this vibe of needing to be protected, but yet, also had a gentle confidence and ability around her that gave her the strength she needed to stand on her own.
And who better to match up a girl like that than an alpha warrior who's lifeblood demands he protects. Some men need that sweetly soft girl in their life to give them balance and purpose - Elijah was such a man. He knew Rayne was special from the moment he ran across her, and understood just how much her presence in his life could and would change him. He respected her but didn't let her hide away, and he protected her so she could stay the woman he needed. He was a leader of men, honorable, but stubborn and bossy.
Cricket Under Fire fed my reader soul bountifully. The heart-pounding moments, the swoony-sweet memories, the intense chemistry - all combined to build the anticipation and provides laughs, heat, and anxiety.
If you're a fan of military romance with suspense and adventure thrown in, this is your story. While it is written to be enjoyed as a stand-alone, readers of the Warrior Challenge series will be delighted by the presence of several beloved characters. I definitely recommend reading those stories as well, and am anxiously awaiting what's to come.