*silly giddy grins*
Keelie and Asa's hea just makes me feel happy from deep inside. Even though this isn't my first Brynne Asher story, I keep feeling blown away with the with all the feels like I just discovered something new to me.
I adored, just simply swoony adored Asa as a man, as a father, and as a protector/provider. He's probably one of my favorite heroes. The way he gives of himself and takes care of his family just makes my heart pitter patter.
Keelie was a mess, but she was definitely worth digging through the mess to get to her heart. The depth of heart she has for those in her life is incredible.
Put those two together, mix in their awesome kids and a huge menagerie of animals and you got this attention grabbing story that doesn't let up. Throw in some outside scary drama that no one would want to have affect themselves or their family, and it becomes un-put-downable. It's not often where a story captures me so completely that I stay up way into the wee hours of the morning because I just don't want to let go.
This story is definitely worth your attention, and I'm excited to go back and grab the rest of the series.