From the moment Jack winked at Nora in the stagecoach, I fell in love and never looked back!
I was intrigued by the glimpse of Jack's story that we caught in the previous book, and knew I needed him to find himself attached to his happy ever after soon. And haha, boy did he! Literally.
I simply adored how Jack and Nora met, how their spark lit up their connection, how quickly and naturally they grew to care and depend on the other -- and then ultimately need and fully desire the other. How they communicated, and how they refused to let anything come between them from moment one. And truly, how it was them taking on the world together from the beginning.
Jack claimed my reader's heart with his presence - he was rough, tough, strong, bossy, stubborn - but buried under that was a honor and respect and devotion that perfectly balanced him out. He had such a deep sense of loyalty to his brothers-in-arms and to his family he was building. And then add in the swoony charm he threw in pursuing his Nora? Oh yeah, I was a gonner. Nora, oh my goodness! This woman was perfection for Jack. She had guts, sass, determination, bravery, and such a huge amazing heart of gold. She didn't allow her past to destroy her, she figured out what she wanted and needed and went after it with a passion. And despite the struggles, she remained soft and sweet. I truly adored them separately, and then together as a couple.
The adventure and dangers kept the pages turning - delivering quite a few surprises and heart-pounding moments. And generously balanced in was some moments of peace and beauty. Toss in some beloved secondary characters and main characters from past stories (Hello, Sam Legend - I'm looking at you, sir!) and I couldn't get enough.
Honestly, no joke -- my upmost favorite LB hero, Duel McClain, just had to scoot over to the side to let Jack have room next to him (I think they both kinda grumbled at each other having to share the space). Please, do NOT make me choose between them. They both rule as favorites in the Linda Broday's little corner of Texas. So much of their story felt like it was written for me. Jack and Nora will remain treasured in my heart, and will be revisited often.