
Friday, August 10, 2018

Under a Mulberry Moon anthology


A Family For Polly by Jacquie Rogers

A Family for Polly is an adorable story about a woman who grew up out of a rough childhood to adopt two children who were considered "cast-offs". Her heart was so big and beautiful - determined to do whatever it took to keep her children and give them a safe place to grow up -- even if it meant getting a husband before she found the man of her dreams. Ford was awesome in how he rolled with everything thrown at him and proved himself to be the man Polly dreamed of, and loved Polly and her kids so easily. The kids (Noah and Evie) stole my heart! I was impressed with how I was expecting a short story and ended up with a novella which delivered a full story feel!

The Lady Lassoes an Outlaw by Charlene Raddon

SQUEE!! I totally fell in love with Aurora and Garret's story! Many of the favorite things I love in a western were wrapped up so pretty in this story: tough and tenderhearted hero, strong and vulnerable heroine, awesome family, surprises and twists, danger, believable love story and a delightful happily-ever-after. I was again surprised in how full and detailed and complete it felt for a novella -- making this one of the best kind of novellas to enjoy!

*The rest are on my tbr list