Wow, it's been 7 years since I've last visited this book and the distance just made revisiting the audio version feel like the best mix of reconnecting with a treasured friend and experiencing all the thrills of a new story. I still totally adore Zach and Natalie, and can respect their histories and struggles a bit better/differently. The way Natalie cared for Zach and pushed him to get out of the darkness he was trapped in (which also helped her some) was beautiful. And I adored Zach's protectiveness and way he took care of Natalie from the moment they met. Then add in getting to see alot of Marc (my tied as top fav iteam hero) and the rest of the crew and the fun they bring to the table, and this book still reigns as a treasure!
2013 review
Pamela Clare is one of my top favorite authors! Every story she creates she sucks me in and holds me tight! I don't think she could possibly write a book I didn't love!!
Zach and Natalie's story is one of my favorites in this whole series. The trials and journey these two went through to find each other and keep each other is amazing and hard and beautiful!
So many other reviews detail the story better - but I just had to share my love for Pamela's story!!!