Ohhh!!! I loved taking the journey to Faithful and settling in! I quickly became enamored by the people there and the sense of home and family and comfort that flowed from the pages.
Jake and Laura's story delivered on so many feels -- I loved watching them connect and how bit by bit, their hearts healed and their souls had life breathed back into them. I was giggling at their antics, swooning at Jake's dancing and other seductions, crying for so many things, and heart-racing in fear.
The bad-guy story line was pretty twisted and evil, and makes you hurt in a variety of ways. And that balances well with my excitement in seeing more happily-ever-afters in Faithful.
I loved how even though this book dealt with some intense and heavy issues, it was an easy read, and one I looked forward to getting back to whenever I had to pause for real life stuff.