Oh! Another River's Bend novella!! I'm lovin' this world Tracy Garrett has built around the little town of River's Bend Missouri. With each story I find, it's like getting to revisit a charming little town and enjoying every moment!
This time, we get to meet Mary, who's struggling through her grief of losing a huge part of her family who she was depending on to reconnect with and settle down by. But now she faces having to raise his three orphaned daughters - and then keep pushing through as her world continues to crumble around her. Needless to say, her struggles and attitude makes your heart hurt for her.
Jericho is dealing with some demons from his past, and then not so recent past. So when he crosses paths with Mary, there's quite a few snaps, crackles, and pops to maneuver through. But Jericho isn't one to shy from a challenge or do what's right, even if it's hard... especially when he's trying to put at least one of those demons to rest. He's human like everyone else, but has a heart of gold.
I was swept away in their story and loved watching them travel the path of forgiveness and determination to make it to their happily ever after. These two definitely needed each other, and the family they created with the three girls. My heart was happy-sighin' by the end.